Cooking with Beer: Chocolate Stout Cake

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Das Kolsch! Tasting

Finally drinking the Kolsch. Poured it into a Gaffel Kolsch stange.

Look: very pale body with a thin layer of white head that doesn't have much retention and doesn't leave much lacing either. Its clear of sediment but has a little haze. Looks about right for a Kolsch, though it could improve with a clearer body.

Smell: light pilsner malt, some slight fruitiness, and very slight wine like character as well. No noticeable hop aroma. Its all pretty subtle, which is good because that's what I was going for.

Taste: follows the nose with a light pilsner malt character, a little fruity, with a little bit of hop bitterness, dry and slightly tart. There's a slight wheat taste in the finish that lingers. Overall, pretty much what a Kolsch should taste like.

Feel: light bodied, lightly carbonated, dry, and very drinkable. This is definitely a beer I could see myself drinking a few of on a hot day.

Overall Impression: this more or less nailed what I wanted this beer to taste like. Its easy drinking yet interesting enough to make me want to drink it. I definitely see this one appealing to fans of light beer. I think if I make this one again, I would brew it the same way. Cheers!

Posts About this Beer:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cooking with Beer: Chocolate Stout Cake

So, I haven't had much in the way of home brewing activity lately since I've been busy moving in with my girlfriend and thus have been quite busy. However, to celebrate, I wanted to do something special for her. It obviously had to involve beer. How about a chocolate stout cake? Sounds good to me.

After tinkering around the interweb for awhile, I found this recipe. I picked up a 4 pack of Young's Double Chocolate Stout and hit it. I'm not that great at baking cakes, having only baked once before but it came out quite nicely.

The icing was really easy and also really delicious. Simmer whipped cream and then whisk in 1# of chopped semi-sweet baker's chocolate. Yeah, I thought this was going to be too much chocolate too.

Frost it and here you go!

It will give you diabetes but it went nicely with a snifter of Stone's 2011 IRS. Cheers!